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"I'm made out of an old sweatshirt."
Meet, Eric!
He's a pincushion

Legal Name: Eric the Stoneman
Date of birth: 10.4.2021
Sketches and Mock-Ups
Make a pincushion
I thought it would be fun to play with irony and create a little desk friend to keep me company.

Eric's Creation
Main Body

Stuffed with Poly-Fil.

The fabric acts as a sleeve over the styrene internal structure. Poly-Fil is stuffed inside.
Attaching Arms to Body

Sewn together using the ladder stitch technique.
Making Hands

The hand shape was repeated using a styrene stencil. Also stuffed with Poly-Fil.
Eric's Birth
Baby Photos

Eric hanging out with the other pincushions made by my classmates.
This was the first project of my Junior year fall semester Industrial Design Intro to Soft Goods Special Topic Class taught by Prof. Leslie Fontana.
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